Applications for Edge-Lit LED Panel Lights in Commercial and Residential Settings

Applications for Edge-Lit LED Panel Lights in Commercial and Residential Settings

28 Apr, 2023

Edge-lit LED panel lights are known for their versatility and ease of installation. They can be mounted on ceilings, and walls, and even suspended from wires, making them a flexible option for a variety of settings.

Furthermore, edge-lit LED panel lights come in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing them to fit into almost any space. Edge-lit LED panel lights have become a popular choice for lighting solutions in both commercial and residential settings.

There are many applications for edge-lit LED panel lights, and in this article, we will explore some common uses.


Commercial Applications


● Office Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights are an excellent choice for office lighting. They provide even and consistent lighting, reducing eye strain and increasing productivity.


● Retail Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights can be used in retail settings to create a bright and inviting environment. They can be used to highlight merchandise and draw attention to specific areas of the store.


● Hospitality Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights are also commonly used in the hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and bars. They can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, while also providing functional lighting for various spaces.


● Healthcare Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights are often used in healthcare settings, such as hospitals and clinics. They provide bright and even lighting for examination rooms and other areas, while also being energy-efficient and easy to maintain.


Residential Applications


● Living Spaces


Edge-lit LED panel lights are a great choice for residential living spaces, such as living rooms and bedrooms. They provide a soft and diffused light that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.


● Kitchen Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights can be used in kitchens to provide bright and even lighting for meal preparation and cooking. They are also easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for this area.


● Bathroom Lighting


Edge-lit LED panel lights can be used in bathrooms to provide bright and even lighting for grooming and makeup application. They are also energy-efficient and long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent bulb replacements.


● Hallways and Entryways


Edge-lit LED panel lights can be used in hallways and entryways to provide even and consistent lighting that creates a welcoming atmosphere.


edge-lit LED panel lights


Difference Between Edge-Lit and Back-Lit LED Panel Lights


The main difference between edge-lit and back-lit LED panel lights is the placement of the LED chips.

In edge-lit panels, the LEDs are located around the edge of the panel and the light is directed inward using a diffuser.

In back-lit panels, the LEDs are placed behind the panel and the light is directed outward. Edge-lit panels are thinner and lighter, while back-lit panels provide more uniform lighting.


How to Choose the Right Size Edge-Lit LED Panel Light?


To choose the right size edge-lit LED panel light, you should consider the size of the room and the height of the ceiling. For rooms with high ceilings, you may need to choose a larger light to provide adequate illumination.


Are Edge-Lit LED Panel Lights Easy to Install?


Edge-lit LED panel lights are relatively easy to install. They typically come with mounting hardware and can be installed on ceilings, walls, or suspended from wires. However, if you are unsure about installation, it is recommended to consult a professional electrician.


What Is the Lifespan of LED Panel Light?


The lifespan of an edge-lit LED panel light varies depending on the quality of the light and how often it is used. However, most high-quality edge-lit LED panel lights have a lifespan of 50,000 hours or more, which is significantly longer than traditional lighting solutions.




Edge-lit LED panel lights have a wide range of applications in both commercial and residential settings. They provide energy-efficient, durable, and sleek lighting solutions that can enhance the overall look and feel of any space.

Whether you are looking to enhance the ambiance of your home or create a bright and inviting atmosphere for your business, edge-lit LED panel lights are a reliable and cost-effective option to consider.

With their versatility and ease of use, they are sure to provide the perfect lighting solution for your needs.

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